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Getting started

Make sure you install the WebTail Dashboard service application on your PosBrowser server.

WebTail Dashboard is extremely easy to setup.


Make sure you have your PosBrowser server ready:

While the Dashboard will work on any machine in your shop there will be a significant performance impact.

  • Ensure that PosBrowser is running correctly and has all updates.
  • Prepare your Android or iPhone device (required).

Next steps

Get started with a few easy steps:

  1. If you haven't already done so, create your WebTail Dashboard account.
  2. Log onto your PosBrowser server machine and open your web browser.
  3. From your PosBrowser server download the installer.
  4. Run the WebTail Service installer and complete the installation steps.
  5. Download the mobile application from either the Apple or Android AppStore.
  6. Login through either the mobile application or the online Dashboard and get started.